Nationwide Credit Clearing has been in the credit repair business for 28 years and we have helped thousands of people eliminate deragatory items from their credit report. We handle all of the work for the clients from start to finish. We give the client a free credit report consultation on day one. For us. however, It’s not just about signing up clients- we want to help them reach their goals. We Care! This is how much we care….
Here is an example of a client we have been working with more recently, and you can see by the data below… WE GET OUR CLIENTS RESULTS…
EQUIFAX: Score increase 26 Points from 720 to 746
TRANSUNION: Score increase 42 Points from 685 to 727
EXPERIAN: Score increase 89 Points from 667 to 756
As you can see, we take your credit matters personally, and if we don’t get you results, we are not satisfied. If your new years resolution involves managing your money or increasing your credit score so that you can ultimately live a more fullfilling life, then you came to the right place.
What are you waiting for? Click HERE to get your FREE (no credit card required) Credit Report and Consultation…
Nationwide Credit Clearing
2336 N. Damen
First Floor
Chicago, IL 60647
Phone: 773-862-7700
Toll Free: 877-334-3296
Fax: 773-862-7703