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Tips to Improve Your Credit Score this Year!
It’s the beginning of a brand new year and we wonder,, have thought about your credit score yet? A New Year means new opportunities for you financially! For those of you seeking a more financially secured life, take these tips, read them, and begin to implement them into your daily routine.
- Keep your credit card balances low. The most effective way to improve your credit score is to pay down your revolving (credit card) debt. Your credit utilization ratio accounts for 30 percent of your credit score. While you may hear that paying debt down to 30% of the available balance is a good mark, an ideal credit utilization ratio is actually around 10% or lower.
- Pay your bills on time.
- Don’t allow outdated or inaccurate information to remain on your credit report. If you see something incorrect listed on your report, you should take actions to have it removed.
- Sending your payments in early may also help your credit score. Different creditors have different report dates when they send the information to the credit bureaus.
- Check your credit report annually. It’s important to make sure that there are no errors on your credit file. A significant number of credit reports do have these errors, which can lower your score. These days, you also need to make sure that your identity hasn’t been stolen or compromised, which affects up to 1 in 8 Americans every year.
- Don’t be tempted by new credit card offers or take on new debt. You can have these solicitations stopped being sent to you by “opting out” of these offers.
- Paying off a collection will NOT increase your score. It’s not the balance, but the fact that the account went into collection status is what is essentially hurting your score. But your score will increase if the collection agency is willing to delete the account off your credit report.
- Don’t go without credit. You only have a credit score if you have an active credit history. Some credit scoring systems cannot calculate a score if no balance is reported to the credit history within the last six months.
- If you want a high score, do not pay all your debt down to zero. FICO calculates a significant portion of your score by your credit utilization ratio, so it’s important to simply keep them all under 30% of their limit
- Request an increase to your credit line. Then make sure not to use the excess credit because this will improve your overall credit % usage
- Add missing accounts to your credit report. A perfect way to build your credit is to add positive accts that are not currently being reported. Unfortunately Cell phone companies, Internet providers, utility companies, and medical billers are not required to and often don’t bother reporting credit. But if you ask them to do so, they sometimes will post a new but well-seasoned, positive new trade line to your credit report.
- If you’ve missed payments and have an account in collections, they will often agree to erase any negative credit reporting for that account as long as you pay it off in full.
- Call Nationwide Credit Clearing if you have any questions in regards to your credit or want to see how you can improve it. We’re the nation’s leader in credit repair, with our clients enjoying a lifetime of financial freedom
Nationwide credit Clearing has been the leader in credit repair for over 20 years. We can help anyone in the United States increase their credit score. Give us a call today to find out how it all works!
“Home of the Free Credit Report & Consultation”
2336 N. Damen
First Floor
Chicago, IL 60647
Phone: 773-862-7700
Toll Free: 877-334-3296
Fax: 773-862-7703
E-Mail: support@mynationwidecredit.com
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How do Derogatory Items affect your Credit?
What are derogatory items?
Derogatory items are significantly damaging marks that show up on credit reports as a result of poorly managed credit scores or identity theft. Measures such as late/skipped payments can ultimately lead to the existence of derogatory marks on your reports. Each mark corresponding to a particular circumstance or outcome. Below are a few examples of several key derogatory items you should know about:
Charge-off: A charge-off is one of the worst marks a person can get on his or her credit report, as they happen when a lender determines that someone isn’t able (or unwilling) to pay off a debt they’ve been delinquent on for many months of payments. Although the lender determines the borrower is unable to pay, the lender is still able to legally demand payment entirely for as long as the state’s statute of limitations allow. It needs to be noted that it’s possible for charged-off financial debt to be settled for under its full worth, but credit reports will often note that the debt was not paid in full should this happen.
Collections: Sometimes debt goes to a collections bureau after a lender or service fails to receive payments. With this designation on your own credit report is quite severe; it is possible to work with a collections agency to make paying the money a bit easier. You can also negotiate conditions on your mark to disappear from your information completely once you make the agreed-upon payments.
Court Judgement: Judgements make reference to civil court rulings typically made against one person who owes money to someone else (similar to a lawsuit from a creditor or any other lawsuit regarding money). Since judgements are a case of public record, they could easily show up on credit reports.
Default: A default, particularly on certain kinds of loans (home, student, car), can create a serious problem on credit reports. Oftentimes, a default can be a precursor to several of the other items on this checklist, as it is one of the very first derogatory items that will show up on a past due individual’s credit report. For example, a default might appear onto your credit reports prior to the account being sent to collections. This is why it is extremely crucial to take non-payments seriously and address the problem that caused them right away.
Repossession: Repossession typically occurs when you default on a secured loan, i.e.. You presented something in collateral. If this occurs, everything you offered as collateral for this loan will be taken by way of the lender. This most frequently happens for mortgages and car loans, where the car or home you purchased with this loan is taken away. It’s worth noting that if the current amount of the repossessed item does not cover the entire remaining account balance on this loan, you might still be on the hook for future payments. These things are in no way an exhaustive list of derogatory marks; however they are several of the worst and most damaging, which is why you need to be aware of them.
How can I tell if my credit reports have derogatory marks?
The easiest way to find out if your credit reports include any derogatory marks would be to check your credit report & score. If you do not already know, federal law enables you to get one free copy of all the three of your credit reports – Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion – one time per year through most online services.
Can someone really improve their credit after receiving multiple derogatory marks?
If you do have any of the neg marks mentioned above, do not give up hope. While none of these issues is good for your credit, in time they will eventually just go away. Most derogatory items merely remain on your credit report for about 7 years, along with some having the potential to disappear even sooner. As your credit history grows, the weight that these items are specified also decreases, even if they are still physically found on your report. In addition, there is a whole lot that you can do to start building your credit again nearly immediately. Considering that most of these marks are the direct result of failed payments, working out a payment strategy to pay off any balances is a solid initial step toward restoring your own personal credit.
If you struggle with this, we encourage you to take a look at our top quality X5 Credit Repair system, exclusively from Nationwide Credit Clearing. If you or someone you know has derogatory items on their report, ones that should be disputed, please give us a call. We have been helping people for 28 years improve the quality of their lives simply by working with Nationwide Credit.
Money cannot buy happiness, but it sure makes living life a lot easier. Don’t Wait, Call Now!
“Home of the Free Credit Report & Consultation”
2336 N. Damen
First Floor
Chicago, IL 60647
Phone: 773-862-7700
Toll Free: 877-334-3296
Fax: 773-862-7703
E-Mail: support@mynationwidecredit.com
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Secure a Solid Loan by Improving your Credit
Everyone knows that personal credit scores are crucial when it comes to obtaining a loan for a car, house, or anything that is a large purchase; however a business credit score is just as vital for small business loans. Understanding the ins and outs of building or regaining good credit may seem complicated, and here at Nationwide Credit Clearing, we want to help by providing you with these simple tips to be familiar with.
The optimal proportion of utilization is 30% which means, if you have a $10K limit on your charge card, try to keep the exact balance below $3K. In a nutshell, you want to have a lot more credit available than you actually need. The more connected you allow yourself to reach your max amount, the higher risk you look like.
10% of one’s credit score will be based upon the mix of credit you ACTUALLY use as well as how effectively you manage them all, so be sure to have multiple cards open as well as spread utilization equally amongst them. Do NOT cancel your cards in an effort to improve your credit score. Your cards need to be kept open with a low utilization rate.
Every time you submit an application, your credit score is checked. The greater number of applications you submit, the more reduced your credit score is going to b, unless you do all of your applying within a short period of time. Still, if all inquiries are set up within about 30 days or less, the reporting agencies will consider multiple inquiries as just one inquiry regarding a single purchase, so you want to keep your credit application window of this time as short as you possibly can.
Everyone is entitled to a free copy of their credit report from each one of the top 3 reporting agencies one time per year, meaning you can request a copy from a different agency every four months.
The more positive history you have of paid off debts, the better you look to prospective lenders, so make sure you keep those gold stars on your credit history as long as possible.
Your credit report doesn’t just cover credit cards & loan payments but it also includes every other payment you have made or are currently making. That unpaid $30 copay or electric bill will hurt you just nearly as much as a balance of $1k that hasn’t been paid on a loan or card (if it goes beyond 60 days that is).
Nationwide Credit Clearing recommends you check your report often and ensure you don’t possess unknown outlying debt..
If your credit score is not as solid as you would like it to be, start implementing these pointers and you will see your score begin to go up. Keep in mind, the right loans can in fact help develop your credit, and we can help get you there. Even though you may seem to have a hiccup and overlook a payment, do not let it discourage you. Pay the bill, and then keep moving forward; that dimple won’t be there for long.
If you still feel uncertain about how to even begin with these steps, Nationwide Credit is here to help guide you. We offer a free credit report and consultation. If it’s been a while since you have checked your credit score, please give us a call.
“Home of the Free Credit Report & Consultation”
2336 N. Damen
First Floor
Chicago, IL 60647
Phone: 773-862-7700
Toll Free: 877-334-3296
Fax: 773-862-7703
E-Mail: support@mynationwidecredit.com
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How Can A Bad Credit Score Affect You?
When you make a purchase using your credit card, you are typically not thinking about the affect it will have on your future. You probably aren’t thinking of the purchase as a test of your personal integrity or reliability. You are more than likely thinking about that new television you are purchasing or how your new watch will look on your wrist. In contrast, your creditors don’t care how your new watch will look or how much joy your new television will bring you. They want to recover the money they lent you, with interest. Lenders do not like borrowers with elevated credit risk (the risk that you will not repay the money you owe). To determine your credit risk, lenders will rely on your credit score.
Your credit score is based on the information that is provided in your credit report. It will include data on past loans, foreclosures, credit utilization, bankruptcies, credit applications, and more. Credit scores follow a scale ranging from 300 (most risky) to 850 (least risky). Lenders will often times segment the score ranges into classifications such as A, B, and C.
Your credit score will affect more than just your personal finances. Credit scores influence many aspects of your personal and public life, even including situations that do not involve borrowing money. The following are situations that can be affected by a bad credit score:
- Getting approved for a loan will be difficult
- Higher rates and restrictive terms on loans that you are approved for
- Trouble renting an apartment
- Trouble getting a job
- Difficulty getting a mobile phone contract
- Higher insurance premiums
- Potential strain on your personal relationships with friends and family
Here at Nationwide Credit Clearing we will professionally assess your credit situation by procuring basic information that will allow us to obtain a copy of your current credit report. We will do this by a “soft inquiry” so that it will not affect your credit score. Our team of professionals will determine the best method of credit clearing to utilize on your case. Learn more about how we can help you!
Source: Money Crashers
“Home of the Free Credit Report & Consultation”
2336 N. Damen
First Floor
Chicago, IL 60647
Phone: 773-862-7700
Toll Free: 877-334-3296
Fax: 773-862-7703
E-Mail: support@mynationwidecredit.com
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How Many Credit Cards Is Too Many?
You are at the register paying for a pair of new shoes at your favorite department store. The cashier asks if you would like to sign up their rewards program to save 10%. You are thinking who wouldn’t want to save 10%, of course you want to sign up. So you sign up for the stores credit card to get a discount on your purchase. Is that 10% off and a new credit card really benefiting you?
Stop and ask yourself if you really need another credit card. The more credit cards you have the greater chance you have of getting deeper into debt. It is important to remember that credit cards are not a form of supplemental income. The annual fees of the credit cards can also add up, so that 10% you saved will eventually cancel out.
Your credit score can also be negatively impacted by having too many credit cards. Which will in turn impact your ability to borrow money. Learn more about how a bad credit score can affect your life in our recent blog post (Little Known Causes for Bad Credit
In contrast, adding more cards can help your score by decreasing your credit utilization ratio (the amount of debt you carry compared to your available lines of credit). However, if you have a lot of credit cards with high limits and you go to a lender to take out a loan, the lender will take into consideration a situation where you ran those credit cards up and what your debt-to-income ratio would look like then.
So, how many credit cards is too many? There are people who are very successful using a single credit because it is easiest to manage one card. Having 3-5 cards is typically not a problem. But if you find all your credit card balances are increasing, that is a danger signal.
Source: CreditCards.com
If it’s been a long time since you have checked your credit report, give us a shout here at Nationwide Credit Clearing. Our Initial Credit Report and Consultation is Free of Charge! Call Today!
“Home of the Free Credit Report & Consultation”
2336 N. Damen
First Floor
Chicago, IL 60647
Phone: 773-862-7700
Toll Free: 877-334-3296
Fax: 773-862-7703
E-Mail: support@mynationwidecredit.com
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Credit Talk 2016
Little Know Causes for Bad Credit
Most consumers are responsible – the kind who pay their bills every month and never borrow more than they can reasonably pay back. However, even the most responsible person who feels that he or she is excellent with personal finance can find him- or herself with bad credit. The reasons may be surprising, and not all of us are aware of just how much can have long-term effects on our credit reports. Here are just a few little known causes for bad credit.
Persistent Late Payments
While most consumers know how missed bill payments can negatively impact their credit reports, many don’t know that persistently paying their bills late can also have a detrimental affect. Paying a day or two late once in a while won’t be fatal, but even if you miss your payment by just one day each month, it can play a huge role in watching your credit rating plummet.
Too Many Credit Applications
Having too many credit cards or too many lines of credit can ruin your credit. Even if you pay each off each month, on time, it still makes you look like a risk to other lenders. With the higher debt you could potentially have, the worse your credit can be. You may feel responsible enough not to max out each card or each line of credit, but lenders don’t always think that way. Limiting the total credit balance available to you will go a long way in making you look more attractive to other financial institutions.
Maxing Out Your Credit Limit
Be sure not to limit yourself too much when it comes to credit cards, however. If you find that you are constantly maxing out your credit card, you will look like a credit risk, causing your credit rating to fall. Even if this limit is paid in full each month, it still indicates to other banks that you could potentially miss a payment, making you a lending risk.
“Home of the Free Credit Report & Consultation”
2336 N. Damen
First Floor
Chicago, IL 60647
Phone: 773-862-7700
Toll Free: 877-334-3296
Fax: 773-862-7703
E-Mail: support@mynationwidecredit.com
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Bad Credit Requires Hiring a Credit Repair Company
Bad credit can affect every area of your life, from home ownership to being able to obtain a good job to replacing your car. Many people in need of credit repair simply avoid the situation, usually out of an abundance of anxiety or simply being uncertain how to proceed. This is where hiring a credit repair company can come in handy – they can help you handle the need for credit repair without putting yourself in an unfamiliar and scary situation.
Expertise and Experience
Credit repair companies have expertise in nearly every situation requiring credit repair. Some people find themselves in need because of a divorce, identity theft, or a sudden loss of employment. Whatever the reason, credit repair companies have experience in handling the situation with tact, sensitivity, and in a way that will work out best for the consumer. Think of how often you do the same task at your job, and how skilled you have become because of it. This same principle applies to credit repair companies. They have dealt with these situations on a daily basis since beginning to operate, making them experts at negotiation and at handling the unreasonable demands of creditors.
For a person in need of credit repair, the situation is fraught with high emotions. This leaves the debtor in a bad position when trying to negotiate terms with creditors who know how to take advantage of the situation. A credit repair company is removed from the situation, putting them in a much better position to negotiate without feeling re-victimized by the process. A creditor is going to take demands made by someone who isn’t overly emotional much more serious than one who is, making a credit repair company a huge asset in this situation.
Credit repair companies help those who are in need of credit repair for a living, meaning they are significantly faster at identifying errors on a credit report and working with creditors than a debtor can. They have the time to answer calls as they come in, rather than going through the voicemail, call back, voicemail game of phone tag many debtors experience. Debtors are often busy working or dealing with other aspects of their life, and cannot handle their credit repair with the timeliness or accuracy of a credit repair company.
If you are someone who has tried to take these steps numerous times, yet can’t seem to keep up with all the chaos, then credit repair is right for you!
Why wait! Better Credit can be yours! Contact our experts at Nationwide Credit Clearing. “Home of the Free Credit Report and Consultation”
“Home of the Free Credit Report & Consultation”
2336 N. Damen
First Floor
Chicago, IL 60647
Phone: 773-862-7700
Toll Free: 877-334-3296
Fax: 773-862-7703
E-Mail: support@mynationwidecredit.com
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5 Ways To Be A Victim Of Credit Card Fraud
Credit card fraud takes place in a variety of ways. It can occur from someone dumpster diving to high-tech hacking. Perhaps a dishonest clerk or waiter takes a photo of your credit card and uses your account to buy items. The fact is fraud can happen to even the most tech-savvy consumers. Check out these 5 common ways consumers fall victim to credit card fraud.
Not Shredding Your Bank Statements: Do you still receive paper bank statements? With online banking many consumers don’t even bother to look at the statements that come in the mail. However, if you are still receiving statements in the mail there is action that needs to be taken. If you are disposing the statements, make sure the are shredded and illegible. If you are keeping the bank statements store them at home in safe place.
Not Checking For Skimmers: Thieves may attach skimming devices to the exterior of an ATM or POS system that requires a PIN. Before using a POS system check to make sure there is no unusual device added to the machine. Glue, scuff marks, or loose materials around the machine, are signs the machine has been tampered with.
Online Banking Using Public Wi-Fi: Free Wi-Fi is becoming readily available at restaurants, coffee shops, airports, etc. across the country. How safe are these public networks? When using public Wi-Fi, it is best to not check the balance of your credit card. It is easier for hackers to intercept online transactions and passwords when you are using an open wireless network.
Responding To Phishing Messages: Have you ever received a text message from your “bank”, asking you to log into your online banking account? Be skeptical of these messages, especially if they request personal information such as your login or account number. Your financial institution has this information and won’t ask you for it. When you receive a message you are unsure of, contact your bank immediately before you respond.
Not Checking Your Account: How will you know if there are questionable charges on your credit card if you never check your account? Open your bills and statements promptly. If you see a questionable charge, report it!
If you or a loved one has been a victim of credit card fraud, contact Nationwide Credit Clearing to learn how we can help you. Call today (773) 862-7700.
“Home of the Free Credit Report & Consultation”
2336 N. Damen
First Floor
Chicago, IL 60647
Phone: 773-862-7700
Toll Free: 877-334-3296
Fax: 773-862-7703
E-Mail: support@mynationwidecredit.com
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What Is A Credit Report?
An extremely detailed report of a person’s credit history, that is prepared by a credit bureau, is what makes up a Credit Report. The report is typically used by a lender in determining a loan applicant’s creditworthiness, including the following:
- Summary of credit history
- Detailed account information
- Personal data
- Credit history
- Details of any accounts turned over to a credit agency
The information includes how often you make your payments are made on time, how much credit you have, how much credit you are using, and whether a debt or bill collector is collecting on money you owe. It can contain public records such as judgements, liens, collections & bankruptcies that provide insight into your financial status.
How Does A Lender Use A Credit Report?
Lenders will obtain your credit card when you are deciding if they want to loan you money. They will also use it to determine what interest rates they will give you and to determine whether you will be able to meet the terms of the account they are providing. Other kinds of companies such cable, insurance, utilities etc. will always run a check to make sure you will be able to meet the financial terms of the program/service you are requesting. Additionally, an individual or company that is renting you a residential property can check your credit report before renting to you.
Who Makes A Credit Report?
Credit reporting companies, known as credit bureaus or consumer reporting agencies, create credit reports. The major bureaus in the U.S are Experian, Equifax and Transunion. There are also specialty consumer reporting agencies that can report your history of paying bills for a product or service.
How Nationwide Credit Clearing Can Help You
At Nationwide Credit Clearing we professionally assess your individual credit situation by procuring information that allows us to obtain a copy of your credit report. Our staff of professionals will review the information and determine the best method of credit repair to use based on your specific situation. Our long standing reputation working with credit bureaus goes back as far as 1985. NCC works with all three major Credit Bureaus:
If you or someone you know has something on their credit report that continues to hold them back from living a financially full-filling life, it’s time to call the Credit repair experts at Nationwide Credit Clearing
“Home of the Free Credit Report & Consultation”
2336 N. Damen
First Floor
Chicago, IL 60647
Phone: 773-862-7700
Toll Free: 877-334-3296
Fax: 773-862-7703
E-Mail: support@mynationwidecredit.com
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