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Credit Talk 2016
Credit Q & A from Nationwide Credit Clearing
At one time in our lives, we have all made financial decisions, good or bad, that have come to affect our overall credit score. Our Credit Score ends up determining the path of our financial future.
Whether you have bad credit, bankruptcy, delinquencies, derogatory remarks or even wrong information on your credit report, watch some of these videos for your own personal knowledge or to see how Nationwide Credit Clearing can help you.
Nationwide Credit Clearing is the leader in Credit Repair in the United States.
We always have to ask, When was the last time you checked your credit report? If it’s been over a year, this is where Nationwide Credit Clearing can help. Nationwide Credit Clearing has over 20 years of experience repairing credit for thousands of individuals. We have helped so many people improve their credit score by removing inaccurate, misleading or unverifiable information, ultimately changing their lives forever. We deleted over 25,000 items from credit reports in the past year.
There’s no reason to put this off and there certainly is no time like the present. Give us a shout here at Nationwide Credit. After all, We are the home of the free credit report and consultation!!
Nationwide Credit Clearing
2336 N. Damen
First Floor
Chicago, IL 60647
Phone: 773-862-7700
Toll Free: 877-334-3296
Fax: 773-862-7703
E-Mail: support@mynationwidecredit.com
Set yourself on the path to Financial Freedom: Mistakes can be corrected
We all make mistakes, especially regarding our credit and money management. Below you will find some ideas on how to rectify past financial sins you may or may not have made. It’s never too late.
Nobody’s flawless – especially when it comes to money management. There’s a pretty good chance that by now, you have control of your current finances, however, most of us have made some serious mistakes when we were younger. We have never had an owners manual on how to manage money, so chances are you have made some serious mistakes while you were younger or perhaps in college. Those previous mistakes can and will come back to haunt you today in many ways. Nationwide Credit Clearing recommends that you face your money issues head-on as well as make up for those wrong doings before being able to move on in the future..
When confronted with past financial faults, it’s easy to turn your head and hope that they disappear. But when you must pay back your money or fall behind on loans, creditors are still looking to get a way to get paid. This will definitely affect your ability, long term, to gain new credit and have financial freedom moving forward. Nationwide Credit Clearing recommends that you collect all of your records & go through them thoroughly, to allow yourself to see the bigger picture of which mistakes you have made and which ones can actually be corrected..
As soon as you know where your situation stands as of now, it’s a great time to also create a plan to remove incorrect information from your credit report, as well as pay back past creditors. This is not going to be easy, but if it is important to you, we recommend that you make the time. Consider your plan as you would a project given to you at work. Focus on the plan, then look forward to the outcome.
We don’t recommend that you use your savings to pay off old debt. Actually, starting with small debts – old credit cards for example – will allow you get rid of some of your smaller mistakes as well as help give you a sense of achievement. Start with the ones you can manage and control. This way, you’ll have leg room and information when it comes to time to repair your credit.
Once you make progress on some of your little money issues, it will then be important to take the correct measures. The first thing you can and should do is get an accurate and up to date credit report. Nationwide Credit Clearing offers a service that provides anyone with an absolutely free, no credit card required credit report and consultation. Once we evaluate your current financial situation, we can then move forward and help you with a plan.
In conclusion, Now that you know more about how to rectify past financial sins, there’s no time like the present to get your free credit report and score.
Nationwide Credit Clearing
2336 N. Damen
First Floor
Chicago, IL 60647
Phone: 773-862-7700
Toll Free: 877-334-3296
Fax: 773-862-7703
E-Mail: support@mynationwidecredit.com
Debt Solutions: Ways to Begin Eliminating Credit Card Debt
A lot of people end up with staggering credit card debt. Even though it seems overwhelming, trimming your financial allowance through small changes in your lifestyle might help.
Debt Solutions: Day-To-Day Savings
Take a seat and consider the amount of money you would spend throughout the week on coffee, lunches and takeout dinners. Somebody who spends $ 5 each day in the coffeehouse is looking at Hundred Dollar expenditure throughout the course of the month. Invest that first month’s savings on a at home coffee maker and travel mug so you’re able to take the coffee from your home. The same goes for your morning breakfast. You will begin to see extra cash in your pocketbook right away.
For lunch time, take the brown bag with you. The $10 or more you spend every day on one salad or perhaps a sandwich leads to over $200 monthly. Instead, buy salad fixings or lunch meat at the supermarket. For anybody who typically runs late each and every morning, pack your lunch the evening before to prevent adding precious minutes towards your morning routine.
This may be the toughest adjustment for families on the go, but it’s time to cut back on takeout dinners. These quickie meals are budget busters. A few cartons of Chinese food or a couple of pizzas can easily run you $30 or more a pop. Instead, keep frozen prepared meals on hand for those nights when cooking isn’t an option. Double your recipes and freeze batches of soup, chili and casseroles on weekends when you have time to cook. Even frozen prepared foods from the grocery store will save you considerable amounts of money. Avoiding expensive takeout even twice a week can save nearly $250 a month.
Debt Solutions: Monthly Payments
The initial place to search for simple savings is in your mobile phone, cable and Internet fees. Chances are you’re spending money on features you are not using. For people with every cable channel but aren’t big on watching TV, contact your cable company to find out what packages are available that still offer what you need. Your cell phone bill could possibly be another budget drain which can be trimmed through careful research of packages available.
You could search for a bundle package that provides you significantly lower rates on your Internet, mobile phones and cable by utilizing the same company for all those. Comparison-shop between providers and do not hesitate to let them understand what you have been proposed by their competitors. This tactic is known to sweeten many deals.
Debt Solutions: Big-Ticket Items
Make the most use out of your expensive items before replacing them. Keep appliances, cars and electronics until they are no longer useful instead of purchasing every new item that comes on the market. You could be in need of that new tablet, but stick to the existing laptop for a bit — it is not costing you anything at all. Invest a few bucks in repairs to maintain your big-ticket belongings in good condition, and wait to buy new items before you look for a deal you simply can’t pass by.
Now that you know more about how to eliminate credit card debt, get your FREE credit report & consultation from the #1 Chicago Credit Repair Company, Nationwide Credit Clearing.
Nationwide Credit Clearing
2336 N. Damen
First Floor
Chicago, IL 60647
Phone: 773-862-7700
Toll Free: 877-334-3296
Fax: 773-862-7703
E-Mail: support@mynationwidecredit.com
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The Twelve Days of Credit
The Twelve Days of Credit: A guide to unanswered questions about your Credit Report and History….
1. Did you know an FTC study found that about 25 Percent of Credit Reports could contain errors?
2. Some credit scoring models essentially count multiple hard inquiries, as one. As long as both loans are for the same type – ie auto or mortgage – and within a short period of time.
3. Loans you have co-signed for could appear on your credit report the same as your other accounts do. If you are thinking of co-signing, consider your own credit score as well.
4. If you are concerned about Identity Theft, a Fraud alert could make it more difficult for someone to open a new account in your name.
5. Make sure to track your Credit Utilization Rate. Try keeping your Credit Card Utilization Rate below 30%. Higher utilization rates could negatively affect your overall Credit Score
6. Lenders could close your accounts due to inactivity. To keep your current credit accounts active, try to use them regularly for at least small purchase. Of Course you should never forget to pay your bills!
7. Adverse Accounts are accounts in which information may lead potential creditors to view you as a risk. Account information includes name, address and phone number of creditor, your account number, current balance and highest balance, account limit, account status, account type and the date you opened the account. The report lists how much money is past due and how many times the account a payment has been made 30/60/90 days late. Bankruptcies, liens, foreclosures and judgments will be listed in this section.
8. Debt Validation is a consumer’s right to challenge a debt and/or receive written verification of a debt from a debt collector.
9. If you are considering using Credit Cards to earn cash back or rewards points this
Season, be sure to read the fine print. Some cards require you to enroll in rotating categories or have other limits on rewards. Always check and ask your credit card issuer for specific Details.
10. Most bankruptcies filed in the Unites States are either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 cases.
So what is The Difference?
• Chapter 7 is a liquidation bankruptcy designed to wipe out your general unsecured debts such as credit cards and medical bills. To qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you must have little or no disposable income.
• Chapter 13 is a reorganization bankruptcy designed for debtors with regular income who can pay back at least a portion of their debts through a repayment plan. If you make too much money to qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you may have no choice but to file a Chapter 13 case.
11. Late or missed payments Can and Will reduce your overall credit score. Considering enrolling in auto-pay if you are a busy person who tends to be forgetful.
And on the TWELFTH day of Credit …someone brought up Credit Repair….
12. Credit Repair is the easiest and fastest way to increase your overall Credit Score. We work hard to dispute unfavorable or derogatory items that currently exist on your Credit Report. One should consider Credit Repair when looking to buy a new car, a new home, or anything that involves the need to present your personal credit score.
About Nationwide Credit Clearing…
Nationwide Credit Clearing has been in the credit repair business for 28 years. Nationwide Credit is the “high end boutique” of credit repair. We handle all of the work for the clients from start to finish. We give the client a free credit report consultation on day one. For us. however, It’s not just about signing up clients- we want to help them reach their goals. We Care!
Nationwide Credit is the largest credit repair company in Chicago and was told by one of the major credit bureaus six years ago that we were one of the top 3 largest companies in the country. Having such volume going through our company has opened up the doors with the credit bureaus. Two out of the three updated credit reports are sent directly to the Nationwide Credit corporate office.
Now, isn’t it time you checked your current credit score? It’s easy, just Contact us Below: